ADP RUN articles

Employee Turnover Definitions & Calculations

Employee Turnover Definitions & Calculations

While it’s important to understand the total separations rate for your region or industry, you might be more concerned with your own business’s turnover rate. It is the percentage of employees who leave that particular workforce during a defined period of time, usually one year. In a way, the increasing turnover rates are a positive sign of a strong job market.

First, it can tell you whether your recruitment methods are working. If a significant number of your new employees leave […]

What Is Occupational Health And Safety?

What Is Occupational Health And Safety?

Specific occupational safety and health risk factors vary depending on the specific sector and industry. Construction workers might be particularly at risk of falls, for instance, whereas fishermen might be particularly at risk of drowning. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics identifies the fishing, aviation, lumber, metalworking, agriculture, mining and transportation industries as among some of the more dangerous for workers.

Due to the fact that accidents may have disastrous conse […]

What Is Wotc Screening And How Can It Affect My Bottom Line

What Is Wotc Screening And How Can It Affect My Bottom Line

This exception applies to Form 8850’s questions asking if the job applicant is a veteran entitled to compensation for a service-connected disability. The customary practice of employers using Form 8850 is to include it among other application documents for applicant completion. If completion is in fact voluntary, and the collected information is held confidentially, such an inquiry would be covered by this ADA exception. Past correspondence on this subject, including the April 2009 infor […]

Employee Turnover

Employee Turnover

Additionally, many companies aspire to scale appropriately while increasing both the bottom and top lines. Without this, a business cannot thrive, survive, scale, or be productive.
But, the majority of reasons why employees quit their job are under the control of the employer. In fact, any element of your current workplace, your culture, and environment, the employee’s perception of his job and opportunities are all factors that the employer affects. In fact, only 26% of employees rated […]

Atp And Adp

Atp And Adp

The enzymes that participate in fatty acid catabolism are located in the mitochondria, along with the enzymes of the citric acid cycle, the electron transport chain, and oxidative phosphorylation. This localization of enzymes in the mitochondria is of the utmost importance because it facilitates efficient utilization of energy stored in fatty acids and other molecules. is a linear metabolic pathway of enzyme-catalyzed reactions that converts glucose into two molecules of pyruvate in the presen […]

The Contingent Worker

The Contingent Worker

The nature of the contingent employment allows for flexibility on both sides. Not only does it allow more freedom for contingent workers, but it also provides financial benefits for the employer. While hiring contingent workers reduces the need for staffing in certain areas, an employer lacks control over the contingent worker. Because a contingent worker manages himself, a company has only monetary control over the worker. The company cannot set work hours or treat contingent workers as emplo […]