Evaluation Tools And Instruments

This process will keep an organization from good insight for continuous learning and improvement required for impact management. Offline mobile data collection reduces data entry pain and improves accuracy; however, organizations should have well-established processes to learn from the collected data after the data collection. Often most organizations work with impact practitioners to define the theory of change or logic model. Theory of change or logical framework is not just diagrams that they can agree upon. Still, it needs to be a living and breathing process throughout the impact management lifecycle – from strategy, data collection, data analysis, and reporting.
While many nonprofits and social enterprises collect data, most of it isn’t utilized, let alone actionable. A well-designed data strategy can yield proper accountability, making it easier for continuous learning, improvement, and reporting specific to each funder. Keep in mind, most monitoring and evaluation systems fail to provide scalable solutions to aggregate results regularly. If they do, it may require significant customization and are expensive too. MEASURE Evaluation developed these evaluation tools with the goal of maximizing program results through the systematic collection and analysis of information and evidence about health program performance and impact. AMET is used to pair observations and gridded model output in space and time and to evaluate the model performance for a set of predicted or diagnosed atmospheric fields. There are separate modules in AMET for evaluating meteorological and air quality model output.
The best monitoring and evaluation tool provides an integrated approach that is easy to adopt and takes you to continuous learning and improvement goals. Some provide a point-to-point feature and have to use multiple tools to meet donor reporting requirements.
Supplemental Resources
Many tools are readily available to manage monitoring and evaluation, data collection, data analysis and impact reporting. These tools do offer some distinct advantages to small-scale organizations but does not scale well when the data is collected from different sources for multiple programs. As most organizations need a common data warehouse to store all of their information so seamless continuous data learning and reporting to happen. Data Collection Apps like Kobotoolbox are useful in collecting offline data.
Whereas some provide a suite of services which can cost a fortune combined with high risk of implementation failure and a longer customization time. This even when implemented may not meet requirements due to poor user experience.
Mobile Data Collection
This separation is necessary because both the observed and predicted meteorological and air quality data are quite different, utilizing different file formats for both the observed and model data. In addition, the observed meteorological and air quality data are often obtained from networks that use different sampling protocols, which can make pairing meteorological and air quality data together difficult. Choosing monitoring and evaluation tools shouldn’t be difficult. But we have found the most organizations choose a difficult path.
- However, they can be used to collect remote data using social media such as Whatsapps or Facebook.
- Many tools are readily available to manage monitoring and evaluation, data collection, data analysis and impact reporting.
- The benefit of this data collection tools and technique is that you can collect data from stakeholders who do not own email address but uses social media tools.
- These tools do offer some distinct advantages to small-scale organizations but does not scale well when the data is collected from different sources for multiple programs.
- Data Collection Apps like Kobotoolbox are useful in collecting offline data.
- As most organizations need a common data warehouse to store all of their information so seamless continuous data learning and reporting to happen.
In most cases, these tools are way more sophisticated than one may need, resulting in unnecessary complexity and learning curves when applying them to your specific use-case. WAVE is a suite of evaluation tools that helps authors make their web content more accessible to individuals with disabilities. WAVE can identify many accessibility and Web Content Accessibility Guideline errors, but also facilitates human evaluation of web content. Our philosophy is to focus on issues that we know impact end users, facilitate human evaluation, and to educate about web accessibility. Table 1 lists the R scripts currently available for the AMET meteorological and air quality modules, along with a brief description of the script functions. These scripts are used to generate statistics and plot the results using the various plotting functions available in the R software.
Monitoring And Evaluation Tools Landscape
Many of the output products available in AMET are frequently used in the air quality modeling community. In addition to using the provided R scripts, the more advanced user could use these scripts as a template for creating new R scripts tailored to their particular application and analysis.
Provides tools to help state and local education and public health programs with evaluation planning, data collection, and analysis, as well as sharing results and improving programs. While these platforms are perfect for offline data collection – moving from paper to digital but they provide limited data insight as these platforms focus on one form or survey at a time.
Impact Cloud and Kobotoolbox provide modern data collection and analysis tools. New data collection techniques and data collection tools now form the foundations of monitoring, evaluation and learning, and social impact measurement. Learn how funders will have to keep investing in social outcome data.
This is a process that they use for continuous learning and improvement. Having identified measurable impact metrics is critical, organizations can start with activities and output with a clear goal to align them with measuring core outcomes. Organizations commonly use different tools for monitoring and evaluation or impact measurement. Using different tools can be effective in smaller-scale operations but it becomes quite cumbersome for an organization running multiple projects in multiple locations. So, juggling with these different tools can be extremely challenging to establish a robust learning and improvement process.
The AMET meteorological module supports evaluation of both surface and upper-air meteorological fields. The surface fields currently available in the AMET meteorological module include temperature, water vapor mixing ratio, wind speed, and wind direction. The first step required as part of the AMET software is to pair the observed and modeled values in space and time. In the air quality module of AMET, this is accomplished through the Site Compare software.
customize Salesforce-based program management, or Effort To Outcome system. While these systems might manage program data, often, their reporting tends to be relatively limited and does not even align well with funders reporting requirements. Hence, such organization often hires monitoring and evaluation analysts who usually export data from different systems and manually cleanse data with complex, tedious, and often error-prone spreadsheets.
What is an evaluation framework?
An evaluation framework is a tool used to organize and link evaluation questions, outcomes or outputs, indicators, data sources, and data collection methods.
However, they can be used to collect remote data using social media such as Whatsapps or Facebook. The benefit of this data collection tools and technique is that you can collect data from stakeholders who do not own email address but uses social media tools.
Post-COVID the need for monitoring evaluation and learning is even more important. Real-time monitoring is critical for continuous impact learning. Offline data tools like Kobotoolbox and surveyCTO can get real-time impact measurement and impact management using Impact Cloud. Web accessibility evaluation tools are software programs or online services that help determine if web content meets accessibility standards. Today, we’re diving into the biggest challenges of collecting data and impact reports. Our goal is to turn this challenge into the most critical opportunity that most organizations ignore – raising grants or impact capital.