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The ADP test is applied using the prior year testing method or the current year testing method. Under the prior year testing method, the applicable year for determining the ADP for the eligible NHCEs is the plan year immediately preceding the plan year for which the ADP test is being performed. Under the prior year testing method, the ADP for the eligible NHCEs is determined using the ADRs for the eligible employees who were NHCEs in that preceding plan year, regardless of whether those NHCEs are eligible employees or NHCEs in the plan year for which the ADP test is being calculated.
Pursuant to section 401, the ADR of an HCE who is an eligible employee in more than one cash or deferred arrangement of the same employer is calculated by treating all contributions with respect to such HCE under any such arrangement as being made under the cash or deferred arrangement being tested. A plan is a successor plan if 50% or more of the eligible employees for the first plan year were eligible employees under a qualified cash or deferred arrangement maintained by the employer in the prior year. If a plan that is a successor plan uses the prior year testing method for its first plan year, the ADP for the group of NHCEs for the applicable year must be determined under paragraph of this section. However, the amount of excess contributions apportioned for a plan year with respect to any HCE must not exceed the amount of contributions actually contributed to the plan for the HCE for the plan year. The 2% QNECs may not be taken into account in determining the ADP for the NHCEs for the applicable year in satisfying the ADP test for the 2007 plan year because they were taken into account in satisfying the ADP test for the 2006 plan year. The elective contributions for the plan year fail the requirements of section 401 and paragraph of this section because the HCE ADP for the plan year (3.5%) exceeds the ADP limit of 1.2% (the greater of 0.75% (0.6% × 1.25) and 1.2% (0.6% × 2)), determined using the applicable year ADP for the NHCEs.
If a lesser reduction would enable the arrangement to satisfy the requirements of paragraph of this section, only this lesser reduction is used in determining the highest permitted ADR. For purposes of this paragraph , a partner’s distributive share of partnership income is treated as received on the last day of the partnership taxable year and a sole proprietor’s compensation is treated as received on the last day of the individual’s taxable year. Thus, an elective contribution made on behalf of a partner or sole proprietor is treated as allocated to the partner’s account for the plan year that includes the last day of the partnership taxable year, provided the requirements of paragraph of this section are met.
Enroll Employees
The determination of whether an NHCE is a member of a prior year subgroup is made without regard to whether the NHCE terminated employment during the prior year. A failure to satisfy the requirements of paragraph of this section may not be corrected using any method other than the ones described in paragraphs and of this section.
If the employer doesn’t distribute/recharacterize excess contributions by 2 ½ months after the plan year of excess, the employer is liable for a 10 percent excise tax on excess contributions. A nonelective contribution is made by an employer to employees’ qualified retirement plans regardless if employees make contributions.
The qualified nonelective contribution or qualified matching contribution is allocated to the employee’s account as of a date within that year within the meaning of paragraph of this section. Additional elective contributions made pursuant to section 414 by reason of an eligible employee’s qualified military service are not taken into account under paragraph of this section for the plan year for which the contributions are made, or for any other plan year.
Therefore, the cash or deferred arrangement fails to be a qualified cash or deferred arrangement unless the ADP failure is corrected under paragraph of this section. Employer B maintains two calendar year plans, Plan O and Plan P, each of which includes a cash or deferred arrangement.
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Because 7.5% exceeds 4.64% (3.71% × 1.25), Plan T does not satisfy the ADP test under paragraph of this section. In addition, because the ADP for the HCEs exceeds the ADP for the NHCEs by more than 2 percentage points, Plan T does not satisfy the ADP test under paragraph of this section. Qualified nonelective contributions cannot be taken into account for a plan year for an NHCE to the extent such contributions exceed the product of that NHCE’s compensation and the greater of 5% or two times the plan’s representative contribution rate.
Plan Distributions
Sixty of the eligible employees who were NHCEs for the 2005 plan year under Plan O, terminated their employment during that year. Plan P had 100 eligible employees who were NHCEs for 2005, and the ADP for those NHCEs for that plan was 4%. Plan O and Plan P are permissively aggregated under § 1.410-7 for the 2006 plan year. Qualified nonelective contributions and qualified matching contributions cannot be taken into account under this paragraph to the extent such contributions are taken into account for purposes of satisfying any other ADP test, any ACP test, or the requirements of § 1.401-3, 1.401-3 or 1.401-4. Thus, for example, matching contributions that are made pursuant to § 1.401-3 cannot be taken into account under the ADP test. Similarly, if a plan switches from the current year testing method to the prior year testing method pursuant to § 1.401-2, qualified nonelective contributions that are taken into account under the current year testing method for a year may not be taken into account under the prior year testing method for the next year.
Safe Harbor 401 plans allow sponsors to bypass ADP/ACP and other non-discrimination testing in exchange for providing eligible matching or nonelective contributions on behalf of their employees. A cash or deferred arrangement does not fail to meet the requirements of section 401 and paragraph of this section merely because excess contributions that are catch-up contributions because they exceed the ADP limit, as described in § 1.414-1, are not corrected in accordance with this paragraph . Under § 1.402-1, the amount required to be distributed to correct an excess deferral to an employee for a taxable year is reduced by any excess contributions previously distributed or excess contributions recharacterized with respect to the employee for the plan year beginning with or within the taxable year. The amount of excess contributions includible in the gross income of the employee, and the amount of excess contributions reported by the payer or plan administrator as includible in the gross income of the employee, does not include the amount of any reduction under § 1.402-1.
- However, the amount of excess contributions apportioned for a plan year with respect to any HCE must not exceed the amount of contributions actually contributed to the plan for the HCE for the plan year.
- Pursuant to section 401, the ADR of an HCE who is an eligible employee in more than one cash or deferred arrangement of the same employer is calculated by treating all contributions with respect to such HCE under any such arrangement as being made under the cash or deferred arrangement being tested.
- The elective contributions for the plan year fail the requirements of section 401 and paragraph of this section because the HCE ADP for the plan year (3.5%) exceeds the ADP limit of 1.2% (the greater of 0.75% (0.6% × 1.25) and 1.2% (0.6% × 2)), determined using the applicable year ADP for the NHCEs.
- A plan is a successor plan if 50% or more of the eligible employees for the first plan year were eligible employees under a qualified cash or deferred arrangement maintained by the employer in the prior year.
- If a plan that is a successor plan uses the prior year testing method for its first plan year, the ADP for the group of NHCEs for the applicable year must be determined under paragraph of this section.
- The 2% QNECs may not be taken into account in determining the ADP for the NHCEs for the applicable year in satisfying the ADP test for the 2007 plan year because they were taken into account in satisfying the ADP test for the 2006 plan year.
The plans were not permissively aggregated under § 1.410-7 for the 2005 plan year. Plan O had 300 eligible employees who were NHCEs for the 2005 plan year, and their ADP for that year was 6%.
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Qualified matching contributions satisfy this paragraph only to the extent that such qualified matching contributions are matching contributions that are not precluded from being taken into account under the ACP test for the plan year under the rules of § 1.401-2. Elective contributions that are treated as catch-up contributions under section 414 because they exceed a statutory limit or employer-provided limit (within the meaning of § 1.414-1) are not taken into account under paragraph of this section for the plan year for which the contributions were made, or for any other plan year. Employee A, an HCE with compensation of $120,000, is eligible to make elective contributions under Plan S and Plan T, two profit-sharing plans maintained by Employer H with calendar year plan years, each of which includes a cash or deferred arrangement. During the current plan year, Employee A makes elective contributions of $6,000 to Plan S and $4,000 to Plan T. The plan has 2 ½ months after the end of the plan year being tested to correct excess contributions. The plan can distribute excess contributions any time during the 12-month period. If correction is not made before the end of the 12-month correction period, the plan’s cash or deferred arrangement is no longer qualified and the entire plan may lose its tax-qualified status.
Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph and paragraph of this section, a distribution of excess contributions must be in addition to any other distributions made during the year and must be designated as a corrective distribution by the employer. In the event of a complete termination of the plan during the plan year in which an excess contribution arose, the corrective distribution must be made as soon as administratively feasible after the date of termination of the plan, but in no event later than 12 months after the date of termination. If the entire account balance of an HCE is distributed prior to when the plan makes a distribution of excess contributions in accordance with this paragraph , the distribution is deemed to have been a corrective distribution of excess contributions to the extent that a corrective distribution would otherwise have been required. The amount of excess contributions attributable to a given HCE for a plan year is the amount by which the HCE’s contributions taken into account under this section must be reduced for the HCE’s ADR to equal the highest permitted ADR under the plan. To calculate the highest permitted ADR under a plan, the ADR of the HCE with the highest ADR is reduced by the amount required to cause that HCE’s ADR to equal the ADR of the HCE with the next highest ADR.
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Employer C maintains a calendar year plan, Plan Q, which includes a cash or deferred arrangement that uses the prior year testing method. Plan Q covers employees of Division A and Division B. In 2005, Plan Q had 500 eligible employees who were NHCEs, and the ADP for those NHCEs for 2005 was 2%. Effective January 1, 2006, Employer C amends the eligibility provisions under Plan Q to exclude employees of Division B effective January 1, 2006. In addition, effective on that same date, Employer C establishes a new calendar year plan, Plan R, which includes a cash or deferred arrangement that uses the prior year testing method. The only eligible employees under Plan R are the 100 employees of Division B who were eligible employees under Plan Q.
The employer makes qualified nonelective contributions or qualified matching contributions that are taken into account under this section and, in combination with other amounts taken into account under paragraph of this section, allow the cash or deferred arrangement to satisfy the requirements of paragraph of this section. The 2% QNECs may not be taken into account in determining the ADP of the NHCEs because they fail to satisfy the requirements relating to section 401 set forth in paragraph of this section. This is because the amount of nonelective contributions, excluding those QNECs that would be taken into account under the ADP test, would be 2% of compensation for the HCEs and 0% for the N HCEs. The 2% QNECs satisfies the timing requirement of paragraph of this section because it is paid within 12-month after the plan year for which allocated. All nonelective contributions also satisfy the requirements relating to section 401 set forth in paragraph of this section (because all employees receive an 8% nonelective contribution and the nonelective contributions excluding the QNECs is 6% for all employees). In addition, the QNECs are not disproportionate under paragraph of this section because no QNEC for an NHCE exceeds the product of the plan’s applicable contribution rate (2%) and that NHCE’s compensation.
Under the current year testing method, the applicable year for determining the ADP for the eligible NHCEs is the same plan year as the plan year for which the ADP test is being performed. Under either method, the ADP for eligible HCEs is the average of the ADRs of the eligible HCEs for the plan year for which the ADP test is being performed. See paragraph of this section for additional rules for the prior year testing method. The establishment of Plan R is a plan coverage change that affects Plan R. Because the 50 hourly employees were not eligible employees under any qualified cash or deferred arrangement of Employer C for the prior plan year, they do not comprise a prior year subgroup.
Thus, excess contributions for a plan year may not remain unallocated or be allocated to a suspense account for allocation to one or more employees in any future year. In addition, excess contributions may not be corrected using the retroactive correction rules of § 1.401-11. The plan that contains the cash or deferred arrangement and the plan or plans to which the qualified nonelective contributions or qualified matching contributions are made, are plans that would be permitted to be aggregated under § 1.401-1. If no elective contributions, qualified nonelective contributions, or qualified matching contributions are taken into account under this section with respect to an eligible employee for the year, the ADR of the employee is zero.
If the plan uses a combination of correction methods, any contribution made under paragraph of this section must be taken into account before application of the correction methods in paragraph or of this section. If the QNEC could be taken into account under paragraph of this section, the ADP for the NHCEs would be 2.6% and the plan would satisfy the ADP test. The QNEC is disproportionate under paragraph of this section, and cannot be taken into account under paragraph of this section, to the extent it exceeds the greater of 5% and two times the plan’s representative contribution rate (0%), multiplied by Employee R’s compensation. The plan’s representative contribution rate is 0% because it is the lowest applicable contribution rate among a group of NHCEs that is at least half of all NHCEs, or all the NHCEs who are employed on the last day of the plan year. Therefore, the QNEC may be taken into account under the ADP test only to the extent it does not exceed 5% times Employee R’s compensation (or $250) and the cash or deferred arrangement fails to satisfy the ADP test and must correct under paragraph of this section.
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Plan P, a calendar year profit-sharing plan that includes a cash or deferred arrangement, provides for distribution of excess contributions to HCEs to the extent necessary to satisfy the ADP test. For the 2006 plan year, Employee A, an HCE, has elective contributions of $12,000 and $200,000 in compensation, for an ADR of 6%, and Employee B, a second HCE, has elective contributions of $8,960 and compensation of $128,000, for an ADR of 7%. Under the ADP test, the ADP of the two HCEs under the plan may not exceed 5% (i.e.
A plan will not fail to use a reasonable method for computing the income allocable to excess contributions merely because the income allocable to excess contributions is determined on a date that is no more than 7 days before the distribution. The process described in paragraph of this section must be repeated until the arrangement would satisfy the requirements of paragraph of this section. The sum of all reductions for all HCEs determined under paragraph of this section is the total amount of excess contributions for the plan year. A plan may provide for the use of any of the correction methods described in paragraph of this section, may limit elective contributions in a manner designed to prevent excess contributions from being made, or may use a combination of these methods, to avoid or correct excess contributions. A plan may permit an HCE to elect whether any excess contributions are to be recharacterized or distributed. Similarly, a plan may permit an HCE with elective contributions for a year that includes both pre-tax elective contributions and designated Roth contributions to elect whether the excess contributions are to be attributed to pre-tax elective contributions or designated Roth contributions.
, all of the eligible employees under the cash or deferred arrangement for the applicable year are HCEs), the arrangement is deemed to satisfy the ADP test for the plan year. A plan that uses the prior year testing method and experiences a plan coverage change during a plan year satisfies the requirements of this section for that year only if the plan provides that the ADP for the NHCEs for the plan year is the weighted average of the ADPs for the prior year subgroups. For purposes of this paragraph , the first plan year of any plan is the first year in which the plan provides for elective contributions. Thus, the rules of this paragraph do not apply to a plan (within the meaning of § 1.410-7) for a plan year if for such plan year the plan is aggregated under § 1.401-1 with any other plan that provided for elective contributions in the prior year. Recharacterized excess contributions continue to be treated as employer contributions for all purposes under the Internal Revenue Code (other than those specified in paragraph of this section), including section 401 and sections 404, 409, 411, 412, 415, 416, and 417. Thus, for example, recharacterized excess contributions remain subject to the requirements of § 1.401-1; must be deducted under section 404; and are treated as employer contributions described in section 415. Within 12 months after the close of the plan year in which the excess contribution arose, the plan must distribute to each HCE the excess contributions apportioned to such HCE under paragraph of this section and the allocable income.
Therefore, for purposes of the 2006 testing year under Plan R, the ADP for NHCEs for the prior year is the weighted average of the ADPs for the prior year subgroups, or 2%, the same as that of Plan Q. Plan R is a successor plan (because 100 of Plan R’s 150 eligible employees were eligible employees under another qualified cash or deferred arrangement maintained by Employer C in the prior year). Therefore, Plan R cannot use the first plan year rule set forth in paragraph of this section.
The elective contributions alone fail the requirements of section 401 and paragraph of this section because the HCE ADP for the plan year (4.6%) exceeds 0.75% (0.6% × 1.25) and 1.2% (0.6% × 2). In 2007, it is determined that the elective contributions alone do not satisfy the ADP test of section 401 and paragraph of this section for 2006 because the 2006 ADP for the eligible HCEs, consisting of employees M and N, is 2.5% and the 2005 ADP for the eligible NHCEs is 0.8%. An additional QNEC of 2% of compensation is made for each eligible NHCE in 2007 and allocated for 2005. The NHCE ADP is determined using the ADRs for NHCEs eligible during the prior plan year . The ADP for the NHCEs is 3.71% (the sum of the individual ADRs, 26%, divided by 7 employees).