Sorority Traditions

OK, first of all I dont know what kind of chapter you were in and maybe you got a bid into the wrong house. Not everyone who goes through recruitment ends up liking the organization that they pledge. But if in fact is was a mistake and you were not inititated into the correct sorority than I am sorry you missed out on the most wonderful experience of your college career.
- I have had good times in Adpi and bad times in Adpi.
- Just as a family has unconditional love, i have love for all my sisters, best friends or not.
- It is much like a real family; everyone has something different to bring into the group.
- These past 2 years have been quite an experience.
- I was initiated as a delta member of ADPi in October of 2004.
Coat of Arms – Elizabeth Moseley Coles, who was elected national president at the first grand convention, was responsible for having the coat of arms designed. Another sister of Alpha chapter, Agnes Chapman, is given credit for the actual design of the coat of arms. Symbolism from the ritual and the Alpha pin were combined in the coat of arms, and the design originally had a background of violets. In 1919, the convention body voted to make changes and the present design was accepted. Elizabeth Moseley Coles, who was elected national president at the first grand convention, was responsible for having Alpha Delta Pi’s coat of arms designed. The open motto of ADPi is “We Live for Each Other,” and its colors are azure blue and white.
Alpha Delta Pi Might Not Be For You
I am an adpi, and while I must say that I may not “like” all my sisters, I certianly repespect them and our rituals. however for the others ones I absolutely love, I coudl drop out today and still be their sisters. I’m sad that you had such a bad experience, and while I do recognize that not all girls, esp in a sorority, are created equal, I do realize now why you got kicked out . That was a nice narration of the ritual, however if I were going to make up something, I’d make it a little more worthwhile.
It is much like a real family; everyone has something different to bring into the group. In the case of my particular chapter, there are some sisters with whom I am very close, and then there are those sisters with whom I’m not as close. Just as a family has unconditional love, i have love for all my sisters, best friends or not. I think when people suggest that greeks “buy their friends”, it’s because they don’t have a full understanding of how special it can be. In every organization (Greek AND non-Greek), you will find a kind of loyalty that comes from being part of a group. Often times you will see ADPis closing letters with “Love and Loyally”.
I’m not going to be harsh like all of these other people who took this way too far. It sucks that you didn’t get to have an amazing experience in greek life. Just because you didn’t have a good experience doesn’t mean that you should ruin the experience for other girls.
Why did Alpha Delta Pi leave Ole Miss?
“Alpha Delta Pi left our campus in 1995. The chapter closed due to declining membership numbers and active members were immediately converted to alumna status,” said Dr. Thomas J. Reardon, Ole Miss Assistant Vice Chancellor/Dean of Students.
You make us sound boring and dull, if you were a real adpi you would have been able to say a lot more secretive stuff than what you put on there. I’m sorry your bored and didn’t get into my sorority. For one that someone would post something so ridiculous and then some of the comments left on this board.
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Jenny Way picked me up at the door and made me fall even more in love with ADPi and the girls that would eventually become my sisters. Each day after, through recruitment, I had that same nervous feeling but I knew that God would lead me to the house I belonged in.
In closing, I would like to address those of you who find joy in criticizing Alpha Delta Pi. I have personally never done anything to you. Neither have any of my friends in the sorority. We love our sisterhood and hold it as precious. I would never criticizing anything you hold in such high regard; that would be intruding upon your business. Regardless of your reasoning, you hurt many more people than just a few; you hurt girls all over the country. I think I speak for all Adpis when I say that our ritual cannot possibly be meaningful to anyone who is not a sister.
Notable Adpis
I do believe that most ADPis feel loyalty toward the sisterhood; afterall, it is the bond that holds us together. For those of you who I am priviledged to call my sisters, you are all loved. You are all amazing ladies and should be very proud to wear our letters. I believe that Eugenia Tucker Fitzgerald would be very proud of the women who represent her beloved secret society. We should not allow ourselves to forget the words of our creed, “I believe that my sorority is more than a ritual or a symbol; that it is a way of life.”
I was initiated as a delta member of ADPi in October of 2004. These past 2 years have been quite an experience. I have had good times in Adpi and bad times in Adpi.
For the past two years, I have grown to appreciate adpi in ways that I did not understand as a newly-initiated sister. Even today, I continue to grow as an adpi. For this reason, our ritual couldn’t possibly be beneficial to you. Please stop and consider the girls who you would hurt before you post more negative comments about our sisterhood.
By doing this, you’re making it not as special for thousands of sisters around the country and world who hold ADPi and these rituals so close to their hearts. only a true adpi or true alpha gam knows if these things are right or not but either way it is disrespectful and downright malicious to post things that hurt people.
For one Every Adpi chapter is different as with any club or organization. I mean they can’t be the same on every campus. Most chapters that I know of do not allow hazing including the one at my school. I’m sorry if people see adpi as a bad thing on some campus but you can’t blame the sorority as a whole for what individuals might do. I chose Georgia Southern because it felt like home. I wanted to have that same feeling with my sorority.
I feel sorry for her and am ashamed that she would do this only to boost her own self-confidence. Each member of a sorority is hand picked out of a huge group of girls, you are picked according to how you will fit into the group of girls that make up your chapter and sorority as a whole. That is another reason our sorority is so special to us, because they picked us to be a part of their sorority as a whole. I’m an active sister in KD, and even if I were to go inactive or quit I would never post my sororities secrets or ritual on the internet, or anywhere for that matter.
I am a current JI and let me tell you that there is no way in hell that someone can post the secrets of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority in two or three paragraphs. There are details and feelings and relationships and bonds with those girls in which we “pay for” to enjoy something in life. Alpha Delta Pi ladies are classy and well manored and in this case it is just a rotten apple or someone who should not hve recruited in the first place. I am sorry you feel the way you do because I will always and forever love the people in which I have grown to love and grown close to in the past 12 weeks. I have done so much community service within the past 12 weeks, I would never have done it if I had not been in ADpi. We will keep on at our chapter meetings and still love our sorority for what it is, a wonderful organization where everyone keeps loyal in their hearts.
During rush, I was so nervous going into the ADPi house. I was nervous that it wouldn’t be all that I had built it up to be in my mind and even more nervous that they wouldn’t like me or I just wouldn’t fit in. Going through rush, everyone tells you of “the feeling” you’ll have when you walk into the house you belong in. The moment I walked into ADPi I knew that was the place for me.
I do not know the circumstances under which this ex-adpi is no longer a member. However, I do know the amount of disrespect she must have had for her sisters. It is ridiculous that she told part of the ritual of alpha delta pi.